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The Canadian Executive Council on Addiction (CECA) is a national, non-governmental organization established in April 2002. Much of its work is in forging partnerships with federal, provincial and territorial governments, associations and networks, and universities and other non-governmental organizations.

A forward-looking, collaborative council, CECA, together with other key stakeholders, is working to mobilize a common national agenda to make a difference to those affected by addiction. Through the release of informative and thoroughly researched documents, the council is providing leadership and helping to transform the healthcare system’s response to substance use.

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) supports and contributes to the strategy development and execution of the CECA national agenda while providing targeted secretariat, financial, and support services to the council.

Ceca is proud to offer:

  • A forum in which to develop common positions on addiction issues in Canada;
  • Support to strengthen the capacity and knowledge of addictions executives at the federal, provincial/territorial and municipal levels;
  • An environment of collaboration to integrate diverse issues and improve addiction services across Canada; and
  • A means of delivering proactive advice to all three levels of government.

Strategic Directions

Working groups composed of members from across CECA member organizations carry each of these strategic directions forward.

CECA’s work is guided by the following strategic directions:

  1. Enhance quality of services in residential addiction treatment facilities;
  2. Enhance collaboration among organizations involved in addiction and mental health care;
  3. Support improved provision of methadone maintenance treatment across jurisdictions;
  4. Advance the integration of primary care and mental health and addictions services;
  5. Contribute to improving treatment of individuals experiencing issues with addiction and substance use in emergency care settings; and
  6. Maintain CECA’s national leadership on issues related to addiction treatment.